There are many reasons you may not get a job in Pennsylvania. You may not be qualified, you may not be a good fit or you may not be available when you are needed. These are all valid reasons for not hiring someone, but there are certain things that cannot be used against you if you are looking for a job. If you are passed over for a job or promotion for any of the following reasons, it may be discrimination and against the law.

The United States Equal Opportunity Commission lists several types of discrimination that are prohibited by the government to protect employees and set guidelines for employers when they are determining who is a right fit for the job. These include the following: sexual harassment, sex, retaliation, religion, color or race, pregnancy, national origin, harassment, genetic information, disability, age and equal pay or compensation.

There is a long list of laws that were enacted to ensure that employers do not discriminate unfairly against applicants or employees. One of these is the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII of this act determines that discriminating against anyone because of sex, national origin, religion, color or race is illegal. This section of the law has also been amended to protect pregnant women, making it illegal to discriminate because of childbirth, pregnancy or any related condition.

In 1963, the Equal Pay Act was enacted to ensure that in the same workplace men and women are paid the same salary. If a person files a charge of discrimination or complaints about it, it also makes it illegal to retaliate in any way.

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 also has a section that makes it illegal for local governments, state governments and companies in the private sector to discriminate against anyone because of a disability. This law also requires that accommodations be made for any mental or physical limitations of an employee.

This is just a small sampling of the laws protecting employees. Whether you are an employee who has been discriminated against or an employer who wants to avoid these charges, you may benefit from speaking to an attorney.

This is for educational purposes and should not be interpreted as legal advice.